Trust the Process, But Don’t Rely On It
How a Group of Diverse Minds is Adding to the Sports Biz Talent Pool by MiS Founder, Shaina Wiel Innovation comes from the edge of chaos. And chaos is exactly how I ended up here. Through chaos, a national networking organization of over 700+ professionals of color from all angles of the sports industry, Minorities in Sports […]
How to negotiate a salary: Salary negotiation tips for non all-star athletes
This week, a topic came up regarding salary negotiations. How do you go about negotiating a salary? In the sports industry we’re often told that negotiating salary is out of the question being that most positions are coveted. The truth is, we should all be able to negotiate. Do your research, know your worth and come […]
So You Want to Work in Sports? Founder Shaina Wiel breaks it down
So you think you want to work in sports? Founder Shaina Wiel shares some do’s and don’ts for getting into the industry. She breaks it down into 3 steps: Identify what it is that you want to do Network! Be willing to get your hands dirty
Why Being Coachable Is the Key To Your Success
Think back on your first recruiting trip… or your first recruiting call. I bet one of the first things that coach asked you was “Are you coachable?” And of course you wanting to make a good impression said “yes! I’m coachable.” But, are you really, though? Do you handle constructive criticism well and are you a […]