In 2020, the New York Times aptly stated, “despite a handful of initiatives meant to increase diversity in leadership in sports organizations, roles have mostly gone to white candidates in the past 30 years.” In an effort to close the racial gap at the C-suite and executive level in the sports industry, Minorities in Sports has partnered with Diverse to launch the Diverse Sports Executives Pipeline Program. The Diverse Sports Executives Pipeline Program is an innovative, three-month immersive program focused on developing the next generation of executives of color within the sports industry. Ten individuals will be selected to participate in a three-month immersive program where they will be provided the tools and skill sets to build successful and thriving careers as executives in sports.
This immersive program will serve as an executive leadership development program aimed at preparing high performing individuals interested in executive level roles within sports business. During the program participants will gain the necessary skills and tools to accelerate their career to the executive level.
The ultimate goal is to increase the number of executives of color within the sports business industry. We plan to prepare participants for executive roles within the sports business industry.
Over the course of three months, participants will attend a series of workshops aimed at different leadership skills. Participants will also be paired with a mentor who is a current executive in the sports industry. Participants will also work one-on-one with an executive recruiter, and have the opportunity to work on a case study.
Participants will, on average, spend approximately three hours a week engaged in programming.
No. The program will be completely virtual.
Yes. The requirements to apply include: (1) be a member of one or more of the following ethnic minority classifications: Black or African American, American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander, Latino or Hispanic or Native Hawaiian and (2) have at least seven years of professional experience (not including internships). This program is geared towards professionals who are seeking senior level executive roles within the sports industry.
No, you do not need experience working in the sports industry to apply. We do, however, require a minimum of at least seven years of professional work experience.
Ten (10) applicants will be selected to participate in the program.
We have a review committee consisting of current executives and professionals within the sports industry reviewing applications and making recommendations as to the final selection.
We will notify the selected participants via email in June 2021. However, we are giving all applicants the option to share their profiles and resumes with our participating sponsors and collaborating teams, leagues, and organizations. This opt-in feature is included on the application form.
We will announce all of the participating mentors, speakers, teams, leagues, and organizations once we announce the selected participants (June 2021).
Yes, the program will be structured around the traditional work day so participants will not have their work impacted.
The program is completely tuition-free. The application fee is for processing services and is non-refundable.
No. The program does not guarantee placement into a position at the conclusion of the program. However, the program prepares individuals for leadership roles within the sports industry and gives participants the knowledge and skills to apply competitively for team, league,, brand or any sports business job openings as they occur.
You can email us at: members@misportsbiz.com